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- ;; dspprims.lsp -- interface to dsp primitives
- ;; ARESON - notch filter
- ;;
- (defun areson (s c b &optional (n 0))
- (multichan-expand #'nyq:areson s c b n))
- (setf areson-implementations
- (vector #'snd-areson #'snd-aresonvc #'snd-aresoncv #'snd-aresonvv))
- ;; NYQ:ARESON - notch filter, single channel
- ;;
- (defun nyq:areson (signal center bandwidth normalize)
- (select-implementation-1-2 areson-implementations
- signal center bandwidth normalize))
- ;; hp - highpass filter
- ;;
- (defun hp (s c)
- (multichan-expand #'nyq:hp s c))
- (setf hp-implementations
- (vector #'snd-atone #'snd-atonev))
- ;; NYQ:hp - highpass filter, single channel
- ;;
- (defun nyq:hp (s c)
- (select-implementation-1-1 hp-implementations s c))
- ;; comb-delay-from-hz -- compute the delay argument
- ;;
- (defun comb-delay-from-hz (hz caller)
- (recip hz))
- ;; comb-feedback-from-decay -- compute the feedback argument
- ;;
- (defun comb-feedback (decay delay)
- (s-exp (mult -6.9087 delay (recip decay))))
- ;; COMB - comb filter
- ;;
- ;; this is just a feedback-delay with different arguments
- ;;
- (defun comb (snd decay hz)
- (multichan-expand #'nyq:comb snd decay hz))
- (defun nyq:comb (snd decay hz)
- (let (delay feedback len d)
- ; convert decay to feedback, iterate over array if necessary
- (setf delay (comb-delay-from-hz hz "comb"))
- (setf feedback (comb-feedback decay delay))
- (nyq:feedback-delay snd delay feedback)))
- ;; ALPASS - all-pass filter
- ;;
- (defun alpass (snd decay hz &optional min-hz)
- (multichan-expand #'nyq:alpass snd decay hz min-hz))
- (defun nyq:alpass (snd decay hz min-hz)
- (let (delay feedback len d)
- ; convert decay to feedback, iterate over array if necessary
- (setf delay (comb-delay-from-hz hz "alpass"))
- (setf feedback (comb-feedback decay delay))
- (nyq:alpass1 snd delay feedback min-hz)))
- ;; CONST -- a constant at control-srate
- ;;
- (defun const (value &optional (dur 1.0))
- (let ((d (get-duration dur)))
- (snd-const value *rslt* *CONTROL-SRATE* d)))
- ;; CONVOLVE - slow convolution
- ;;
- (defun convolve (s r)
- (multichan-expand #'snd-convolve s r))
- ;; FEEDBACK-DELAY -- (delay is quantized to sample period)
- ;;
- (defun feedback-delay (snd delay feedback)
- (multichan-expand #'nyq:feedback-delay snd delay feedback))
- ;; SND-DELAY-ERROR -- report type error
- ;;
- (defun snd-delay-error (snd delay feedback)
- (error "feedback-delay with variable delay is not implemented"))
- ;; NYQ::DELAYCV -- coerce sample rates and call snd-delaycv
- ;;
- (defun nyq:delaycv (the-snd delay feedback)
- (display "delaycv" the-snd delay feedback)
- (let ((the-snd-srate (snd-srate the-snd))
- (feedback-srate (snd-srate feedback)))
- (cond ((> the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
- (setf feedback (snd-up the-snd-srate feedback)))
- ((< the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
- (format t "Warning: down-sampling feedback in feedback-delay/comb~%")
- (setf feedback (snd-down the-snd-srate feedback))))
- (snd-delaycv the-snd delay feedback)))
- (setf feedback-delay-implementations
- (vector #'snd-delay #'snd-delay-error #'nyq:delaycv #'snd-delay-error))
- ;; NYQ:FEEDBACK-DELAY -- single channel delay
- ;;
- (defun nyq:feedback-delay (snd delay feedback)
- (select-implementation-1-2 feedback-delay-implementations
- snd delay feedback))
- ;; SND-ALPASS-ERROR -- report type error
- ;;
- (defun snd-alpass-error (snd delay feedback)
- (error "alpass with constant decay and variable hz is not implemented"))
- (if (not (fboundp 'snd-alpasscv))
- (defun snd-alpasscv (snd delay feedback min-hz)
- (error "snd-alpasscv (ALPASS with variable decay) is not implemented")))
- (if (not (fboundp 'snd-alpassvv))
- (defun snd-alpassvv (snd delay feedback min-hz)
- (error "snd-alpassvv (ALPASS with variable decay and feedback) is not implemented")))
- (defun snd-alpass-4 (snd delay feedback min-hz)
- (snd-alpass snd delay feedback))
- (defun snd-alpasscv-4 (the-snd delay feedback min-hz)
- (display "snd-alpasscv-4" (snd-srate the-snd) (snd-srate feedback))
- (let ((the-snd-srate (snd-srate the-snd))
- (feedback-srate (snd-srate feedback)))
- (cond ((> the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
- (setf feedback (snd-up the-snd-srate feedback)))
- ((< the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
- (format t "Warning: down-sampling feedback in alpass~%")
- (setf feedback (snd-down the-snd-srate feedback))))
- (display "snd-alpasscv-4 after cond" (snd-srate the-snd) (snd-srate feedback))
- (snd-alpasscv the-snd delay feedback)))
- (defun snd-alpassvv-4 (the-snd delay feedback min-hz)
- ;(display "snd-alpassvv-4" (snd-srate the-snd) (snd-srate feedback))
- (let ((the-snd-srate (snd-srate the-snd))
- (delay-srate (snd-srate delay))
- (feedback-srate (snd-srate feedback))
- max-delay)
- (cond ((or (not (numberp min-hz))
- (<= min-hz 0))
- (error "alpass needs numeric (>0) 4th parameter (min-hz) when delay is variable")))
- (setf max-delay (/ 1.0 min-hz))
- ; make sure delay is between 0 and max-delay
- ; use clip function, which is symetric, with an offset
- (setf delay (snd-offset (clip (snd-offset delay (* max-delay 0.5))
- max-delay)
- (* max-delay -0.5)))
- ; now delay is between 0 and max-delay, so we won't crash nyquist when
- ; we call snd-alpassvv, which doesn't test for out-of-range data
- (cond ((> the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
- (setf feedback (snd-up the-snd-srate feedback)))
- ((< the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
- (format t "Warning: down-sampling feedback in alpass~%")
- (setf feedback (snd-down the-snd-srate feedback))))
- (cond ((> the-snd-srate delay-srate)
- (setf delay (snd-up the-snd-srate delay)))
- ((< the-snd-srate delay-srate)
- (format t "Warning: down-sampling delay in alpass~%")
- (setf delay (snd-down the-snd-srate delay))))
- ;(display "snd-alpassvv-4 after cond" (snd-srate the-snd) (snd-srate feedback))
- (snd-alpassvv the-snd delay feedback max-delay)))
- (setf alpass-implementations
- (vector #'snd-alpass-4 #'snd-alpass-error
- #'snd-alpasscv-4 #'snd-alpassvv-4))
- ;; NYQ:ALPASS1 -- single channel alpass
- ;;
- (defun nyq:alpass1 (snd delay feedback min-hz)
- (select-implementation-1-2 alpass-implementations
- snd delay feedback min-hz))
- ;; S-EXP -- exponentiate a sound
- ;;
- (defun s-exp (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:exp s))
- ;; NYQ:EXP -- exponentiate number or sound
- ;;
- (defun nyq:exp (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-exp s) (exp s)))
- ;; S-ABS -- absolute value of a sound
- ;;
- (defun s-abs (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:abs s))
- ;; NYQ:ABS -- absolute value of number or sound
- ;;
- (defun nyq:abs (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-abs s) (abs s)))
- ;; S-SQRT -- square root of a sound
- ;;
- (defun s-sqrt (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:sqrt s))
- ;; NYQ:SQRT -- square root of a number or sound
- ;;
- (defun nyq:sqrt (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-sqrt s) (sqrt s)))
- ;; INTEGRATE -- integration
- ;;
- (defun integrate (s) (multichan-expand #'snd-integrate s))
- ;; S-LOG -- natural log of a sound
- ;;
- (defun s-log (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:log s))
- ;; NYQ:LOG -- log of a number or sound
- ;;
- (defun nyq:log (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-log s) (log s)))
- ;; NOISE -- white noise
- ;;
- (defun noise (&optional (dur 1.0))
- (let ((d (get-duration dur)))
- (snd-white *rslt* *SOUND-SRATE* d)))
- (defun noise-gate (snd &optional (lookahead 0.5) (risetime 0.02) (falltime 0.5)
- (floor 0.01) (threshold 0.01))
- (let ((rms (lp (mult snd snd) (/ *control-srate* 10.0))))
- (setf threshold (* threshold threshold))
- (mult snd (gate rms lookahead risetime falltime floor threshold))))
- ;; QUANTIZE -- quantize a sound
- ;;
- (defun quantize (s f) (multichan-expand #'snd-quantize s f))
- ;; RECIP -- reciprocal of a sound
- ;;
- (defun recip (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:recip s))
- ;; NYQ:RECIP -- reciprocal of a number or sound
- ;;
- (defun nyq:recip (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-recip s) (/ (float s))))
- ;; RMS -- compute the RMS of a sound
- ;;
- (defun rms (s &optional (rate 100.0) window-size)
- (let (rslt step-size)
- (setf step-size (round (/ (snd-srate s) rate)))
- (cond ((null window-size)
- (setf window-size step-size)))
- (setf s (prod s s))
- (setf result (snd-avg s window-size step-size OP-AVERAGE))
- ;; compute square root of average
- (s-exp (scale 0.5 (s-log result)))))
- ;; RESON - bandpass filter
- ;;
- (defun reson (s c b &optional (n 0))
- (multichan-expand #'nyq:reson s c b n))
- (setf reson-implementations
- (vector #'snd-reson #'snd-resonvc #'snd-resoncv #'snd-resonvv))
- ;; NYQ:RESON - bandpass filter, single channel
- ;;
- (defun nyq:reson (signal center bandwidth normalize)
- (select-implementation-1-2 reson-implementations
- signal center bandwidth normalize))
- ;; SHAPE -- waveshaper
- ;;
- (defun shape (snd shape origin)
- (multichan-expand #'snd-shape snd shape origin))
- ;; SLOPE -- calculate the first derivative of a signal
- ;;
- (defun slope (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:slope s))
- ;; NYQ:SLOPE -- first derivative of single channel
- ;;
- (defun nyq:slope (s)
- (let* ((sr (snd-srate s))
- (sr-inverse (/ sr)))
- (snd-xform (snd-slope s) sr (- sr-inverse) 0.0 MAX-STOP-TIME 1.0)))
- ;; lp - lowpass filter
- ;;
- (defun lp (s c)
- (multichan-expand #'nyq:lp s c))
- (setf lp-implementations
- (vector #'snd-tone #'snd-tonev))
- ;; NYQ:lp - lowpass filter, single channel
- ;;
- (defun nyq:lp (s c)
- (select-implementation-1-1 lp-implementations s c))
- ;;; fixed-parameter filters based on snd-biquad
- (setf Pi 3.14159265358979)
- (defun square (x) (* x x))
- (defun sinh (x) (* 0.5 (- (exp x) (exp (- x)))))
- ; remember that snd-biquad uses the opposite sign convention for a_i's
- ; than Matlab does.
- ; convenient biquad: normalize a0, and use zero initial conditions.
- (defun biquad (x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)
- (let ((a0r (/ 1.0 a0)))
- (snd-biquad x (* a0r b0) (* a0r b1) (* a0r b2)
- (* a0r a1) (* a0r a2) 0 0)))
- ; biquad with Matlab sign conventions for a_i's.
- (defun biquad-m (x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)
- (biquad x b0 b1 b2 a0 (- a1) (- a2)))
- ; two-pole lowpass
- (defun lowpass2 (x hz &optional (q 0.7071))
- (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
- (cw (cos w))
- (sw (sin w))
- (alpha (* sw (sinh (/ 0.5 q))))
- (a0 (+ 1.0 alpha))
- (a1 (* -2.0 cw))
- (a2 (- 1.0 alpha))
- (b1 (- 1.0 cw))
- (b0 (* 0.5 b1))
- (b2 b0))
- (biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
- ; two-pole highpass
- (defun highpass2 (x hz &optional (q 0.7071))
- (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
- (cw (cos w))
- (sw (sin w))
- (alpha (* sw (sinh (/ 0.5 q))))
- (a0 (+ 1.0 alpha))
- (a1 (* -2.0 cw))
- (a2 (- 1.0 alpha))
- (b1 (- -1.0 cw))
- (b0 (* -0.5 b1))
- (b2 b0))
- (biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
- ; two-pole bandpass. max gain is unity.
- (defun bandpass2 (x hz q)
- (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
- (cw (cos w))
- (sw (sin w))
- (alpha (* sw (sinh (/ 0.5 q))))
- (a0 (+ 1.0 alpha))
- (a1 (* -2.0 cw))
- (a2 (- 1.0 alpha))
- (b0 alpha)
- (b1 0.0)
- (b2 (- alpha)))
- (biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
- ; two-pole notch.
- (defun notch2 (x hz q)
- (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
- (cw (cos w))
- (sw (sin w))
- (alpha (* sw (sinh (/ 0.5 q))))
- (a0 (+ 1.0 alpha))
- (a1 (* -2.0 cw))
- (a2 (- 1.0 alpha))
- (b0 1.0)
- (b1 (* -2.0 cw))
- (b2 1.0))
- (biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
- ; two-pole allpass.
- (defun allpass2 (x hz q)
- (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
- (cw (cos w))
- (sw (sin w))
- (k (exp (* -0.5 w (/ 1.0 q))))
- (a0 1.0)
- (a1 (* -2.0 cw k))
- (a2 (* k k))
- (b0 a2)
- (b1 a1)
- (b2 1.0))
- (biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
- ; bass shelving EQ. gain in dB; Fc is halfway point.
- ; response becomes peaky at slope > 1.
- (defun eq-lowshelf (x hz gain &optional (slope 1.0))
- (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
- (sw (sin w))
- (cw (cos w))
- (A (expt 10.0 (/ gain (* 2.0 20.0))))
- (b (sqrt (- (/ (+ 1.0 (square A)) slope) (square (- A 1.0)))))
- (apc (* cw (+ A 1.0)))
- (amc (* cw (- A 1.0)))
- (bs (* b sw))
- (b0 (* A (+ A 1.0 (- amc) bs )))
- (b1 (* 2.0 A (+ A -1.0 (- apc) )))
- (b2 (* A (+ A 1.0 (- amc) (- bs) )))
- (a0 (+ A 1.0 amc bs ))
- (a1 (* -2.0 (+ A -1.0 apc )))
- (a2 (+ A 1.0 amc (- bs) )))
- (biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
- ; treble shelving EQ. gain in dB; Fc is halfway point.
- ; response becomes peaky at slope > 1.
- (defun eq-highshelf (x hz gain &optional (slope 1.0))
- (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
- (sw (sin w))
- (cw (cos w))
- (A (expt 10.0 (/ gain (* 2.0 20.0))))
- (b (sqrt (- (/ (+ 1.0 (square A)) slope) (square (- A 1.0)))))
- (apc (* cw (+ A 1.0)))
- (amc (* cw (- A 1.0)))
- (bs (* b sw))
- (b0 (* A (+ A 1.0 amc bs )))
- (b1 (* -2.0 A (+ A -1.0 apc )))
- (b2 (* A (+ A 1.0 amc (- bs) )))
- (a0 (+ A 1.0 (- amc) bs ))
- (a1 (* 2.0 (+ A -1.0 (- apc) )))
- (a2 (+ A 1.0 (- amc) (- bs) )))
- (biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
- (defun nyq:eq-band (x hz gain width)
- (cond ((and (numberp hz) (numberp gain) (numberp width))
- (eq-band-ccc x hz gain width))
- ((and (soundp hz) (soundp gain) (soundp width))
- (snd-eqbandvvv x hz (db-to-linear gain) width))
- (t
- (error "eq-band hz, gain, and width must be all numbers or all sounds"))))
- ; midrange EQ. gain in dB, width in octaves (half-gain width).
- (defun eq-band (x hz gain width)
- (multichan-expand #'nyq:eq-band x hz gain width))
- (defun eq-band-ccc (x hz gain width)
- (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
- (sw (sin w))
- (cw (cos w))
- (J (sqrt (expt 10.0 (/ gain 20.0))))
- ;(dummy (display "eq-band-ccc" gain J))
- (g (* sw (sinh (* 0.5 (log 2.0) width (/ w sw)))))
- ;(dummy2 (display "eq-band-ccc" width w sw g))
- (b0 (+ 1.0 (* g J)))
- (b1 (* -2.0 cw))
- (b2 (- 1.0 (* g J)))
- (a0 (+ 1.0 (/ g J)))
- (a1 (- b1))
- (a2 (- (/ g J) 1.0)))
- (biquad x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
- ; see failed attempt in eub-reject.lsp to do these with higher-order fns:
- ; four-pole Butterworth lowpass
- (defun lowpass4 (x hz)
- (lowpass2 (lowpass2 x hz 0.60492333) hz 1.33722126))
- ; six-pole Butterworth lowpass
- (defun lowpass6 (x hz)
- (lowpass2 (lowpass2 (lowpass2 x hz 0.58338080)
- hz 0.75932572)
- hz 1.95302407))
- ; eight-pole Butterworth lowpass
- (defun lowpass8 (x hz)
- (lowpass2 (lowpass2 (lowpass2 (lowpass2 x hz 0.57622191)
- hz 0.66045510)
- hz 0.94276399)
- hz 2.57900101))
- ; four-pole Butterworth highpass
- (defun highpass4 (x hz)
- (highpass2 (highpass2 x hz 0.60492333) hz 1.33722126))
- ; six-pole Butterworth highpass
- (defun highpass6 (x hz)
- (highpass2 (highpass2 (highpass2 x hz 0.58338080)
- hz 0.75932572)
- hz 1.95302407))
- ; eight-pole Butterworth highpass
- (defun highpass8 (x hz)
- (highpass2 (highpass2 (highpass2 (highpass2 x hz 0.57622191)
- hz 0.66045510)
- hz 0.94276399)
- hz 2.57900101))